Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Thirteen Years of Looking at a Blog

© by Gerald So | 1:30 A.M.

The title of this entry marking this blog's thirteenth anniversary is a nod to Wallace Stevens' "Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird". No, I haven't come up with a poem of my own for the occasion though, thirteen years ago, this blog was supposed to spur my writing. I never further defined what I'd write about here. I had no idea I'd be blogging thirteen years, yet here we are.

This has become the place I sort what else is on my mind so I can get at the poetry and fiction I want to write. Not that I see the connections while writing, and not that I think of this blog as freewriting or a diary. I try to have or arrive at something very clear to say with each post. The more strongly I feel about a topic, the more skillfully I aim write about it.

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