Wednesday, June 23, 2004

C'est Moi

I'm testing Picasa's free picture-posting service, Hello. I hope to post some pictures from my Hawaii trip if this works. For now, here's a recent picture of me. Whatcha talkin' bout?


Anonymous said...

Whatta mug! =)

Now let's see some Hawaii pics!


Anonymous said...

In my Development and Individual Differences class, we've learned that facial expressions are recognizable internationally for certain expressions, but I'm having a hard time categorizing this one... smug scowl? pretentious pondering? Note the unique use of awesome alliteration... okay, sorry, it's late... I need it to be the weekend. Too much to read, not enough time. Bring on the Hawaii photos, Gerald. -Regan

Gerald So said...

I should mention that Regan Bullers is the aforementioned Font alum and current grad student at the University of Minnesota.

If I recall correctly, the expression pictured is mild annoyance at the sun in my eyes just as my brother took the shot.

I like it for a hard-boiled book jacket photo. Vacation photos coming soon.