- Channel 52 - My YouTube channel, featuring my weekly poetry site's videos.
- Fans of Robert B. Parker - a public Matrix room to discuss Parker's works, the film and TV versions, and the sequels commissioned by his estate.
- The Five-Two - My weekly crime poetry site that ran from 2011 to 2023.
- Nasty. Brutish. Short. - In 2006, my friend Graham Powell invited Bill Crider, Steven Torres, John Rickards, and me to review short stories on his blog. I've talliied more than 160 reviews to date.
- So Much to Talk About - I've moderated online discussion forums and author chats since 1999. Be my next guest.
More Friends & Interests
- Ace Atkins
- Atomic Pulp & Other Meltdowns
- Bill Crider's Pop Culture Magazine
- By Ken Levine
- Coach's Musings
- Confessions of an Idiosyncratic Mind
- Crime Always Pays
- Crime Time Cafe
- CrimeFictionWriter
- CrimeSpot
- Deadlier Than the Male
- The Debrief
- Detectives Beyond Borders
- Do Some Damage
- 'Do You Write Under Your Own Name?'
- Edged in Blue
- The Heart of the Matter
- Hedgehog
- Jane in Progress
- John Harvey
- Jungle Red Writers
- In Reference to Murder
- Kung Fu Monkey
- L.A. Noir
- Lawrence Block
- Lee Goldberg
- Limbo
- The Memory Project
- Murderati
- My Boog Pages
- Mystery Scene
- Naked Authors
- Natalie Morales
- Neil Gaiman's Journal
- The Nerdpocalypse
- Nobody Move!
- Nuyorican Obituary
- Patrick Shawn Bagley
- pattinase
- Paul Levine
- Pulpetti
- Radio Free Javi
- The Rap Sheet
- Robert B. Parker Official Facebook Page
- S.J. Rozan
- Sandra Scoppettone's Writing Thoughts
- Secret Dead Blog
- Studio 1050...
- Tabsir
- These Aye Mean Streets
- The Thrilling Detective Blog
- Victor Gischer's Blogpocalypse