Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Talking about Writing

No entries for Monday and Tuesday this week because I spent most of them writing or thinking about writing. I got a good chunk of "Home" done on Monday, and of course the urge was to write more, finish if possible. Tuesday was spent in thinking mode. No physical advancement on the page. That's the way it goes.

It's difficult to talk more specifically about anything I'm working on because it's so open to change.

To break up staring at the flashing cursor, I've been reading Rain Fall by Barry Eisler, a thriller set in Japan, featuring assassin-for-hire John Rain.

1 comment:

Megan said...

Yeah, thinking mode can be frustrating afterward, when you realize the entire night's gone by without even the ephemera of words on the screen...but it's great when you're caught up in figuring out What Happens Next or Why That Guy Did That Thing.

Even if the thinking is devoted to something other than the project you'd intended to work on...sigh....