Wednesday, January 26, 2005

I Hate Red Kryptonite

Yahoo TV's description of tonight's Smallville:

Released from Belle Reve hospital, Alicia returns to Smallville to rekindle her relationship with Clark, but when she does not get what she wants, she uses red kryptonite to turn him into Kal.

For those who don't watch, Kal is the personality Clark Kent voluntarily slipped into at the end of Season 2 by putting on a red kryptonite ring. It seemed Clark wanted to run from his destiny as the Son of Jor-El.

"What's going on?" you ask (if you still care). Well, in Smallville lore, Jor-El sent his son to Earth to conquer the planet and resurrect Kryptonian society. The major forces then responsible for Clark's heroic future are Jonathan and Martha Kent. To drive this point home, Jor-El is played by Terence Stamp, the actor behind the ultimate evil in the Superman universe, General Zod.

In the comics, red kryptonite's effects are unpredictable. It might turn Superman into an ape, or a midget, or...

On Smallville, "red k" is like a drug to Clark, removing his normal tortured reserve. Red kryptonite leads Clark to do things he never would. When its influence wears off, he can't explain his actions, but his friends more or less forgive him anyway.

I don't like the drastic changes in character forced into plausibility by the red k wild card. I'm a superhero fan, but in every superhero legend, there's at least one aspect that kills suspension-of-disbelief and makes me say, "Yeah, right."

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