Friday, March 18, 2005

MURDER...AND ALL THAT JAZZ the title of the anthology featured on DetecToday this month. Robert J. Randisi compiled stories of crime and jazz by some higher-profile authors like Michael Connelly, Peter Robinson, and Laura Lippman.

My early favorites are "Chop Suey" by John Lutz, describing a young lounge singer's first heartbreak and the lengths to which she's pushed; and "East Side, West Side" featuring a new, Nick and Nora Charles-ish duo from Max Allan Collins and Matthew V. Clemens.

I just read "Drummer Unknown", Graham Powell's favorite, by British author John Harvey. This is a tale of sex, drugs, and rock n' roll set in 1950s London. It follows a backup musician falling into love and addiction, and his ultimate rise to the occasion when his lover is murdered by a crooked cop.

Bob Randisi will be chatting live with DetecToday members on Thursday, March 24, 8:30-9:30 PM CT via AOL Instant Messenger.

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