Sunday, April 03, 2005

Gone Fishin'

Every now and then, I take a few days off to switch between poetry and prose. I submitted three batches of poems in January and wrote one poem in February, but aside from that, I've done fiction.

While there's more money to be made in fiction, I find I need to balance both to write my best. Is one easier to write than the other? My answer varies from time to time. Normally I write what comes easier, but every system needs the occasional shock. Though fiction seems easier now, I've tried to set my mind on poetry for the sake of challenge. In the words of Rudy Clark:

And this time I know it's for real
The feelings that I feel
I know if I put my mind to it
I know that I really can do it

Also to get in the right frame of mind, I'm reading THE PISTOL POETS by Victor Gischler. I'll probably follow this with THE LONG-LEGGED FLY by poet/novelist James Sallis, featured on DetecToday this month.

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