Brandon Routh as Clark Kent filming Bryan Singer's Superman movie in Sydney, Australia. The movie is reportedly set six years after General Zod's devastating attacks. The public comes to blame Superman, who retreats to the Fortress of Solitude until a new threat surfaces only he can defeat. Despite the entry title, I'm mildly excited to see this movie.
Smallville is a little too young and tacky for me. I watch it to see what the main actors bring to their portrayals of classic characters. That's why I'll watch the movie, too.
Since they're basing this on Supes in hiding after Superman II, does that mean they're going to forget III and IV? That would probably be a good idea. Once again... as long as his lifts heavy things. Like a bus. Or a train.
I don't ask for much.
But man they make that actor look a helluva lot like Christopher Reeve.
According to the synopses I've seen, they are forgetting III and IV.
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