Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Incessant Internal Song of the Day

"You Can Do Magic" by America:

You know darn well
When you cast your spell you will get your way
When you hypnotize with your eyes
A heart of stone can turn to clay
Doo, doo, doo ...


Anonymous said...

I constantly find myself with a speed metal version of the theme to the Banana Splits stuck in my head. I find it best to start singing it really loud and fast, especially if I'm stuck on a train or a bus. Crowded elevators are good, too. Hey, it might not get it out of my head, but at least I can shre the pain.

Dave White said...

In the Garden of Eden? I thought it was Inna Gatta Da-Vida, with the Simpsons doing a church parody In the Garden of Eden.

Meanwhile, I've heard that the Flintstones theme will get songs out of your head.