Tuesday, June 14, 2005

NBA Bits

I haven't posted on the NBA in a while. With the Knicks out of the playoffs and the Nets only nominally in, I haven't had real rooting interest for a long time. The Detroit Pistons, last year's lunchpail champions, are back in the finals, but Larry Brown's wanderlust has kicked up again, and it looks like they'll lose and he'll become Cleveland's GM. All credit to the Spurs, who are playing like a team, something all basketball fans appreciate.

When the L.A. Lakers have re-hired Phil Jackson today, I heard echoes of Palpatine: "We shall forge the first Galactic Empire..." Whatever. Without Shaq, there's no one to check Kobe's attention-hogging instincts.

There may be a lockout in the NBA's future, and I don't care. If the players really want to play and the owners really want to own, labor disputes would be settled more quickly and quietly.

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