After a 17-year layoff, Sylvester Stallone is ready to reprise his role as everyone's favorite muscle-bound Green Beret for a fourth installment in the popular 1980s film franchise...
"I've signed the deal and I have the old headband, machine gun and bow and arrow ready to go. I am looking forward to showing movie fans the real action hero again," Stallone said in a statement...
The sequel opens with our brooding Vietnam vet finally settling down with a wife and child, while still working for the military...
Though he's "assimilated into the tapestry of America," workplace stress forces Rambo to leave the big city and move his family to the boonies. Their lives are upended however by white supremacists unhappy about a part-Navajo man moving into the area. When the racists take Rambo's 10-year-old daughter hostage, dad is forced back into action to rescue her.
Thursday, June 02, 2005
Rambo IV: A New Hope
Smatterings from an E! Online article:
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I just watched all three of them not so long ago and can't agree more with John. The first one has some great moments in it (my favourite being the National Guard scene), but I do wish Rambo would knock Trautmann out.
This new one, though, feels like they're getting back to the spirit of First Blood. And seeing as the action movie's changed considerably since the eighties, I'm going to reserve my knee-jerk judgement for when I actually see it.
I don't know ... I'm having a hard time picturing Middle Management Rambo in a shirt and crappy tie, stressing about not getting his TPS reports in on time.
By the way, anyone seen Sly's new magazine Sly? Ugh.
Re: FIRST BLOOD vs. II, III, etc. The original was based on a novel, which I have not read but have heard about. Apparently in the book, Rambo was not just borderline, but full-on crazy, and Trautman eventually had to put him down like a rabit dog.
I understand something similar happend to DEATH WISH.
David Morrell, the guy who wrote FIRST BLOOD and created the Rambo character, has a few thoughts on Rambo IV. (Scroll down.)
--Harry Hunsicker
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