Tuesday, July 12, 2005

My Movie Tastes

Dave White asks, "Why do we see certain films? What attracts us to them?"

I commented:

"I will see a movie one time because I like the actor(s). I saw TOMB RAIDER and MR. AND MRS. SMITH for Angelina Jolie, GREAT EXPECTATIONS for Gwyneth Paltrow, HOLLYWOOD HOMICIDE for Harrison Ford, THE CORE for Hilary Swank...

In turn, I'm likely to skip a movie because I don't want to see an actor. Actors are a big part of how movies are packaged, and it's impossible to always disregard the packaging. Right now I'm avoiding Tom Cruise movies because he's been overexposed outside the movies. I'm simply tired of him at the moment.

I will buy a movie to watch repeatedly because I like the story/execution (L.A. CONFIDENTIAL, THE BOURNE SUPREMACY, HELLBOY, THE SUM OF ALL FEARS)."

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