Saturday, August 13, 2005

Happy Birthday, Hitch

Alfred Hitchcock was born August 13, 1899.

I watched Shadow of a Doubt in a film class in college and remember liking it, but I'm not well versed on the motion picture side of the mystery genre. Didn't have the chance to see many movies growing up.

I've heard good things about North by Northwest. What else would you recommend?


Dave White said...

I was just having a conversation about Hitchcock last night.

Rear Window, Psycho, Vertigo are all seminal Hitchcock films.

But North By Northwest is the "if you see just one Hitch film in your life...."

Anonymous said...

I've seen almost every Hitchcock movie and you really can't go wrong with any of them. Not too many people agree with me, but I never really cared much for Psycho. Rear Window kicks major ass. So does Notorious with Cary Grant and Ingred Bergman. Probably my favorite of them all. If you're into more "arty" films, check out Rope. Hitch did the whole movie in 8 minute takes. There's only one or two real cuts that you can tell without looking too hard. Really helps build the suspense.

John DuMond said...

N by NW is my favorite Hitch movie. Also worth seeing are The Birds, Rear Window, and Frenzy (an often overlooked film). While I was in Qatar last year, I picked up a box set of early Hitch films on DVD. Even the really old flicks are good, especially The Lady Vanishes.

Dave White said...

I watched THE MAN WHO KNEW TOO MUCH yesterday. And if you ignore the kid being just a bit too annoying, it's a good flick. The scene in Royal Albert Hall is suspenseful as hell.

Graham Powell said...

VERTIGO is my favorite. I didn't care much for REAR WINDOW. I also liked the late-and-odd FAMILY PLOT.