Thursday, March 15, 2007

Call for Nominations: 2007 storySouth Million Writers Award

Editor Jason Sandford announces:

The 2007 storySouth Million Writers Award for best online fiction, sponsored by Edit Red, is now open for nominations. Readers and writers may nominate one story published in an online magazine or journal during 2006, while editors may nominate up to three stories published in their magazines during that time.

Nominations will be accepted until April 15. On May 1, the notable stories of the year will be released (as selected by a group of preliminary judges). The top ten stories of the year will be released on May 15, at which time public voting for the overall winner will begin.

As a result of Edit Red's sponsorship, the award features a $300 prize for the overall winner and $50 memberships to Edit Red for each of the authors of the top ten stories of the year.

Complete information, including how to nominate a story, is available at

Jason Sanford

For the best writing from the new south, read storySouth at

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