Thursday, November 25, 2010

Less Commercial Than Christmas, More Relaxing Than Labor Day...

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. Its core concepts—gratitude, feasting, and pausing to reflect—haven't been commercialized like Christmas gift-giving, and I don't see that they can be.

I'm particularly grateful for the help of others. Writing is often called a solitary profession, and I love those private "Aha!" moments, but without an editor, without readers, I could never be certain I'm sending the message I intend.

Likewise, with four co-editors, The Lineup achieves a unique perspective. The finished product is seldom what I envision; it's better than I could possibly imagine. Thank you to this year's staff: Richie Narvaez, Sarah Cortez, and Reed Farrel Coleman. Thank you to the largest number of poets we've had yet.

Thank you to my friends, the few, the proud.

Thank you to those who enjoy my blog or Twitter posts.

Thank you to my family, who made me the grateful person I am.

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