Monday, January 11, 2021


© by Gerald So | 4:30 AM

I started this blog on January 11, 2004, a random day, for no particular reason. I've always posted whatever I want, whenever I feel like it. By now, by default, it's a record of me over the years. I like that I don't have to remember as much; I can look it up.

Saturday, January 09, 2021


© by Gerald So | 1:30 AM

I hoped the Republican election challenge would be a footnote on January 6, but President Trump continued to incite his base, and they erupted with an attack on the Capitol building, aided by terrible security. Nonetheless, Joe Biden's win was rightly certified, and Trump will be impeached a second time if he doesn't resign.

While I wish Trump and his seditionists hadn't gotten this far, I'm confident our democracy will ultimately respond well and be better for it. There is no unifying and making amends with people who are wrong. You can only stand up to them, show them they are wrong, and show them the door.

Friday, January 01, 2021

You good?

© by Gerald So | 6:00 AM

The past year of the world encountering and fighting COVID-19 has emphasized for me how small progress can seem day to day, yet how valuable even the smallest progress is. As easy as it is to lament and resign to very bad situations, that surrenders something of our ability to make them better. True, our efforts don't always improve outcomes, but so many things in life don't improve unless we try.

I'm all for hoping for a good day or a good year. I'm also for making sure they are good.