Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Superman & Lois Season 3 Finale

© by Gerald So | 4:30 AM

The existential cliffhanger of this season, whether the show would be renewed for a fourth, was resolved two weeks ago. The renewal came with budget cuts demoting seven Season 3 regular castmembers to recurring and dropping from thirteen episodes to ten. In theory, neither change much concerns me. The cast has turned over each season to suit different stories, and this season's Mannheim family arc was eleven episodes.

More concerning were the abrupt ways the finale sidelined the supporting characters. Chrissy became pregnant by Kyle, who not only welcomed the news but also proposed marriage, which Chrissy accepted. Where was the Kyle who by the end of Season 2 seemed like he wanted to win Lana back? Where was the Chrissy who despite her mousy appearance was strong enough in Season 2 to resist Ally Alston's brainwashing? Meanwhile Lana and John Henry hooked up after circling each other this season, and Sam revealed an online match of his own, who led him to be abducted. Where was super-skeptical Sam?

The main story had its share of out-of-character moments. Lex Luthor, who in his two episodes has been monotone menace—a departure from the show's nuanced approach to every other element of the Superman mythos—reduced zombie Bizarro to the mindless Doomsday.

The cloud of uncertainty over Season 3 may have forced all of the above. I'm sure the show will recollect itself to a degree next season.

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Free Fans of Fiction

© by Gerald So | 9:30 PM

Free Fans of Fiction Stack
I was a discussion moderator from before Yahoo! bought eGroups until Verizon sunsetted Yahoo! Groups in 2018. My discussions had grown mostly quiet by then and I shuttered them as many others paid to move to

I'd still like to connect with people without group baggage, so I've started Free Fans of Fiction, a gratis link list of people who enjoy fiction.

One prospective activity is an annual call to post favorite stories and books of the year, not a contest for awards, just a record by anyone who'd like to participate.