Sunday, July 23, 2023

Practically a single bound

© by Gerald So | 4:30 AM

On Adult Swim's My Adventures with Superman, traditionally metahuman and supernatural villains like Livewire, Silver Banshee, and Parasite have high-tech origins, keeping the show somewhat real and setting Clark further apart. He's the only one with alien powers so far.

Clark and Lois meet at a convenience store and are instantly smitten. In a few hours working together, she appreciates how earnest and quietly helpful he is. On the other hand she thinks Superman an evasive liar. Answering anyone who ever groused, "Can't Lois figure out Clark is Superman?" intern Lois has, by the fourth episode. This strongly suggests it wnn't be the belabored plot point it's been for decades of comics and shows.

Clark and Lois's chemistry is my favorite part of mythos. Already, My Adventures with Superman has served it with more focus, continuity, and nuance than any earlier animation. I have no idea where the fourth episode will go. That's truly enticing.

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Strike Two

© by Gerald So | 4:00 AM

Last week, the American actors' guild SAG-AFTRA joined the Writers Guild of America on strike against the major Hollywood studios. No telling when things will be resolved, but two unions stoppping work should force the studios' hand sooner. Here's hoping.

Friday, July 07, 2023

Adult Swim's My Adventures with Superman

© by Gerald So | 2:30 PM

In development since 2021, My Adventures with Superman premiered on Adult Swim yesterday and I watched the first episode today via the Adult Swim app.

On their first day as Daily Planet interns Clark Kent (Jack Quaid) and Jimmy Olsen (Ishmel Sahid) meet slightly more seasoned intern Lois Lane (Alice Lee). Lois is tasked with showing Clark and Jimmy how to make copies. Instead, already on the scent of a huge story, she cons them into helping her.

This telling of the famous trio's beginnings distinguishes itself in that Clark and Jimmy are roommates. Though Clark tries to hide his powers, he can't look past people (or pets) in peril, and you gather Jimmy is keen to prove the existence of aliens, cryptids, and other oddities because he's been living with Clark.

Jimmy and Lois talk fast and frequently and Sahid and Lee are up to the task. Meanwhile, despite knowing Jack Quaid's voice as Star Trek: Lower Decks' Brad Boimler and previous smaller roles in DC animated movies, I find his Clark fresh.

Tuesday, July 04, 2023

The American Dream

© by Gerald So | 3:30 AM

On Independence Day I'm reminded the United States isn't as free as it should be for everyone. We still have a ways to go. New challenges arise. I'm also reminded the United States is where it's most possible to reach new levels of freedom.

To me, freedom means we understand and respect each other's human experience. If one's notion of freedom impedes someone else's, it's wrong. As a country that aspires to embody freedom, we should fight for everyone's, not the ironically narrow definition "Only I get to do what I want."

Independence Day marks the beginning of Americans' fight for freedom from Britain. It has grown into a never-ending battle because freedom by nature expands. Trying to limit it to one group or person isn't true freedom, but oppression.