Monday, January 29, 2024

The Shoe Must Go On

© by Gerald So | 5:00 AM

Two weeks ago my furnace went out and I had to layer clothing while it was repaired. The cold tightened my muscles anyway, and at the end of the day, I decided to unwind with exercise. I was doing pushups gripping two 12kg kettlebells when I lost my grip and fell. One of the handles strained my left pec. The other bruused my right index finger.

While resting and recovering, I decided to learn new ways to lace and tie my shoes. As a child lacking dexterity, I learned easier, faster ways to tie shoes, all of which came undone too easily for my liking. Lacing shoes seemed too onerous and time-consuming to be worth learning. Until here I was with some time I had to avoid strenuous exercise. Why not knock out longstanding demons?

I favor straight bar lacing. It looks uncluttered and leaves more lace to knot at the end, for which I learned the Parisian and Berluti knots.

Thursday, January 11, 2024


© by Gerald So | 12:00 AM

With each year I'm more amazed blogging is still a thing. I wish I could mark this blog's twenty years momentously. I wouldn't know where to begin. The day I start it was otherwise uneventful, not previously significant to me. I'm happy enough anyone keeps up with me since I quit Twitter last March. Feel free to write me sometime.