UPDATE (9:00 PM): After a good series of red herrings, it was who I thought it would be, my second-favorite character Kate Todd, sniped between the eyes by recurring nemesis Ari.
Years ago this would enrage me, but tonight I look back on what a neat, fully realized character Kate was and wish Sasha Alexander well.

Sasha Alexander, Special Agent Caitlin Todd on NCIS
"Enrage?" Like go on a rampage enrage?
Does anyone think Kate's "death" was a staged event? I don't know how it could be--it sure looked real--but I can't believe she was killed.Without her,the show is much weaker. If she's really dead, I'm angry with Bellasario for approving such a script. I'm not sure I want to watch the show anymore if Kate is really dead.
For now, I'm assuming Kate was shot and killed by Ari. I want to see where the writers go from there. Kate was a good member of the team: the serious, somewhat seasoned professional playing off Gibbs's no-fun attitude, Tony's almost all-fun attitude, and McGee's newbie-ness. If she's no longer on the show, I'm satisfied she had a good run.
Earlier I read the producers were going to develop the relationship between Kate and Tony--why would they abandon that idea? And if Ari was after Gibbs as he said he was, he could just as easily shot him instead of Kate.I also wonder about the almost non-reaction to Kate's death by Gibbs and Tony. I just hope that somehow, Kate isn't dead although I think she probably is.
I think Kate and Tony's cameradie did develop between the first and second seasons. At first, she found him a complete jerk and more recently they've shown a brother-sister playfulness and even some mutual respect.
Gibbs's dying would have been more intriguing in some ways, but I think it says a couple of things about Ari that he shot Kate: 1) His main goal is to drive Gibbs up the wall. He couldn't do that if Gibbs died, 2) I sense that Ari really liked Kate and put his feelings aside for whatever cause he's pursuing.
Is anybody else wondering how Ari made that trip faster than the drone missile?
jreynolds--please add more to you posting--not clear what you mean.
I'm still hoping that somehow Kate's death was staged because Gibbs would also want to drive Ari crazy.
Another question---why were Gibbs, Kate, and Tony so dumb to stand up in clear view when they knew there were terrorists in the area. Shouldn't they have taken cover? Did they just become too casual and careless?
Ari gives the stuffed animal to the girl at the dock, calls his buddies and tells them the beacon is in place. His buddies launch the drone missile. Gibbs splashes the missile just before it reaches the dock, and suddenly Ari is back at the launch site to shoot Kate. Am I missing something, or does it seem like he made it back to the launch site way too fast?
I thought the way they ended the season was very unwise. I realize they are trying to create a cliffhanger, but they way they did it was just plain rude. I don't think I am going to watch anymore...
jreynolds---I see what you mean. Ari did get back pretty fast but then, that's TV for you. I think he just headed straight back after giving the stuffed animal to the little girl.
What do you think about the poor judgment used by Gibbs and Co. by standing in plain view when they knew there were terrorists around? Do you think they just were so relieved that Kate hadn't been killed that they forgot about security?
And, jreynolds--do you think Kate is really dead?
Anonymous--I agree with you. If Kate is really dead--not just a staged death--I think Bellasario made a big mistake. I don't want to watch anymore, either.Why would be break up such a strong ensemble?
Another thing--what cliffhanger?What is there to wonder about?
Yeah, I think she's dead. The obvious one was the good ol' dive in front of the shooter with the bullet proof vest. You knew she was going to get up from that. But that high powered rifle shot between the eyes and the blood spray on Tony was pretty convincing. I agree with Anonymous' sentiments. Poor taste. You're right, Mac, their reaction was pretty strange, standing around practically laughing about the situation. Even after Kate got shot the second time they didn't take cover. And Gibbs didn't return fire. Sure he was well out of effective range with his handgun, but you gotta think he would try lobbing a few bullets in Ari's direction. Maybe he was all out.
Like you said, that's TV.
The show won't be the same without Kate.Maybe she wanted out of her contract for some reason and they more than obliged her.I still think Bellasario could have had a cliffhanger ending--you know, shots ring out, all three hit the deck, someone screams--then we wait until Fall to see who was hit, if anyone died, etc. A bullet between the eyes, close-up, during prime time when kids could be watching--extremely poor taste on the part of the producers.
I'm just very sad that Kate is probably gone from the series.
Some allowances are made for TV. If everyone were perfectly cautious, every ending would be happy. I'm glad there's some gray to NCIS. That said, all the agents could have done was clear the immediate area. A sniper can fire from thousands of yards away. There's no way to tell where the sniper is unless you have another sniper watching.
Bellisario has said the death had nothing to do with lack of performance, what have you, that everyone on the show has been professional. I see no reason not to believe him.
Kate was my favorite character next to Gibbs. I didn't want her to go, but this was a good time to write her out. Her personality filled out over two seasons and had no time to get stale.
Mac asked, "What cliffhanger? What is there to wonder about?"
We're wondering if Kate is really dead, though we're pretty sure she is. We're wondering how her death will impact the other characters. We're wondering what it will take to finally nail Ari.
Bellisario has been known to reuse actors in different roles. Catherine Bell originally appeared as Harm's slain girlfriend Diane Schonk in the first season of JAG. Jeff Mackay appeared on MAGNUM as Mac Reynolds and then as Mac's lookalike Jim Bonig. Terry O'Quinn was the CAG Thomas Boone on JAG and Col. Will Ryan on NCIS, and so on.
Sasha Alexander may be back, maybe not as Kate. As I commented earlier, I want to see where the writers take this.
James--I enjoyed your comments and insight.I suspected that there could have been a contract problem for Sasha Alexander but unless she absolutely wanted out, it would have been wise for Bellasario to give her more money to keep her. If she absolutely wanted to go, that's a different story. However, it won't be the same show without her and I think ratings will drop.
I also had thought the death could be another dream sequence but, alas, I really think she is dead.
Gerald, you are right--there is some wondering to do butit's still not much of a cliffhanger. Wondering who got shot/killed would have been much more suspenseful. And I still didn't like the close-up of such a violent death. Also, despite the range of a sniper rifle, Gibbs and Co.showed a lack of judgment in not at least trying to take cover. Standing in the open almost joking isn't their ordinary MO.
I'm still very sad! I hope Bellasario has a way to work this out. I'll forgive him if he brings Kate back--somehow!
The TV obits James mentioned are here.
Quoting from the article:
Why? Creator Donald Bellisario says that Alexander asked out of the physically demanding show, that she decided she didn't want to stay for what will likely be a run of many seasons. "She worked like a trouper to the very end," says Bellisario, who is casting for a foreign-born female character.
This jibes with what Bellisario said in a May 18th Zap2it.com article:
"It had nothing to do with lack of performance or malfeasance at all. That's the furthest thing from it. Everybody on that show is very passionate about the show, and everybody works very hard."
So I guess Alexander did want to leave. Having heard nothing in advance, I took just the emotional trip the writers wanted. Well done.
James--I sure hope you could be right about Sasha coming back--somehow--to NCIS.She's young, her career is on the upswing--why would she want out after only 2 years?'Tis a mystery! Do you think it at all possible her death was another dream sequence and that all the media hype just contributes to the mystery? I guess in my heart of hearts I believe she is really dead but I keep hoping she'll somehow be back.
A bigger mystery to me is why Gibbs, Tony, and Kate stood in the open when they knew there were snipers close by--they never tried to take cover. Did they suddenly become careless or is there more to this? I was also surprised by their reaction to Kates's death--there was almost no reaction. Maybe Bellasario wants us to wait until Fall to see the reactions.
Please, oh please Kate--come back to us!
It's been nine days since the finale and I've accepted Kate's death as part of the show's history. It's one thing to write her off the show "just because" and another thing to write her off because she wanted to leave. I can't get too upset about the death because Sasha did want to leave.
I'm betting Kate will be back for the season premiere, and perhaps she'll be shown in flashbacks, but eventually the team will move on. I don't think her death will cause friction within the team because, again, there's no defense against a sniper except another sniper.
James says Kate was the best agent, invaluable. I don't know about that. I saw her as the most squared-away. She was the original newbie before McGee was addeed to the cast. It took her a while to get comfortable with Tony, Abby, Ducky, and Gibbs, and even when she did, Kate still had the fewest quirks of anyone on the show. She had profiling experience and marksmanship, but so do most FBI agents. I will miss Kate's artistic ability.
It might be argued that Kate's professionalism was a great balance for Tony's pranking, Ducky's rambling, Abby's strangeness, and Gibbs's gruffness. If the writers feel that's a necessary part of the show, Kate's replacement will be similarly by-the-book.
Part of me would've liked to see Harmon Rabb teamed with Caitlin Pike (Andrea Parker) on JAG for the long run, but it didn't happen. Col. Sarah MacKenzie had a different chemistry with Harm, but the right kind to last nine years. Meanwhile, Andrea Parker moved on to play Miss Parker on THE PRETENDER, a much richer role than Kate Pike. If Sasha finds similar success, I'll be happy.
Unfortunately most of the shows I watch are action-oriented. I'm trying to think of a role Sasha would enjoy, not physically demanding, but on a show I'd like to watch. A doctor or a lawyer, maybe.
Read Gerald So's article posted on May 26. He lists a website you can go to that states Sasha Alexander's reson for leving the show.
It's nice to know I'm not the only one disgusted with Bellasario and Co. and concerned (I know it's only TV..) about their decision to take out an intregral part of the a really solid and enjoyable cast just because they wanted to make us sit up and take notice. Dogs we are not; as NCIS fans, we make it a habit to notice every Tuesday evening (even with reruns). Maybe I missed this in the comments, but did anyone else notice that a previous episode foreshadowed Kate's death? Remember when Gibbs opened the body bag in the morgue and for a moment saw Kate's face on the body—bullet wound in forehead and all? If I remember correctly, when his vision cleared it was the blond jogger Tony had been drooling after, the one who was working for Ari when they planned to abduct Kate for the seeming purpose of finding out FBI-related flight protocol from her. I still keep hoping that it was staged (to what end and how...). However, all the hype, and quotes from Bellasario, prior to the season finale announced that someone was going to die. Once again, as someone already mentioned, this is TV—anything can be done for any reason, regardless if it makes sense to us. Bottom line, what about the audience? If this show is for our viewing pleasure (and the advertisers' success), couldn't they have grabbed us in another way, rather than by the throat?
Dear Anonymous--
Look at Gerald So's posting of May 26.He lists a website you can go to that gives you more info about why Kate was killed off. Apparently she wanted out of the show because it was too physical and she saw the show would continue for a few more years. Apparently, Bellarasio obliged her! However, I, like you, hope that somehow she'll be back---how, I don't know, because her death sure was convincing. I do remember the episode foreshadowing Kate's death but I never gave it serious thought because I just knew the show wouldn't get rid of Kate!! Shows what I know!
Anyhow, I am sad they have broken up such a great cast.I always looked forward to Tuesday nights and taped the show if I couldn't be home. If Kate is gone, the show will certainly be different.I hope I'm still a fan in the Fall!
I don't think the first 2 seasons of NCIS are out on DVD yet. I checked Netflix--nothing there--and I haven't seen anything in the newspapers. Maybe someone else knows something about this?
You can get all episodes of Ncis form various torrent sites.
another option is p2p progams like kazza, winmx.
third option if your nice i could ftp'em.
Anonymous--call me ignorant but what is a torrent site? What are p2p programs, kazza, winmx?Last of all,what do you mean you "could ftp'em? Please educate me--please, please!
a torrent site is where u can download all types of files but you need a program to open the "torrent" file to download. ex. Azureus, bitcomet www.torrentspy.com is a such a site.
p2p is where people connect to each other through a file sharing program
search then download off each other hence the term peer 2 peer.
and finally the third option ftp "file transport protocall" basically a site/space on hard drive where you can access and download directly using a ftp program like flashfxp or just using a webbrowser.
any other questions e-mail me @y3kjet@hotmail.com or Google it.
Busterbrown--I hope you are right! If Kate's death was a dream, it sure was a realistic one!
A Zap2It.com article dated June 10 expands on the reasons for Sasha Alexander's departure and outlines Bellisario's plans for the show
I can't stand that new character that replaced Kate this season. She is awful. I just don't know if I'm going to like the show as well this season. I think they are going to have to get someone other than this Israeli woman!
The reason they killed off Kate's character is because the actress who portayed her asked to be let out of her contract. The Israeli woman is not a main character. The only new character is the director.
hello has all, I am French is I have translate my text by an automatic translator thus it is likely y to have some erreures finally in short here in France the episode or Kate dies did not pass yet... mais all the fans know that it will die... je am very sad me also that it from goes away bus was my preferred character! I also hoped that is a dream but apparament not since there were already several episodes of season 3... quelq' higher A speech "than it will be necessary than it deviene mom" I would like to know if you to speak for in the series? Because so yes one can consider that all its was only one setting in scene so that it reprene its life normal or something like its and that the media follows the suspence finally as you mention it above.... finally... one needs éspérer!! I espere of all my heart which it will return in the series of a quelquonque means then if you had information not to hesitate not!! I would like to ask you for a last thing, when you write not to écrir to shorten some and all its so that I can have a perfect translation! veiled thank you very much! By!
Hey, I'm guessing most of you are Americans, I just stumbled upon this site while looking for pics of Tom Welling. I'm from Australia so we haven't gotten the new episodes of NCIS yet. This now way later from the last post on here but I just thought I'd throw my two cents in.
I know now why they got rid of her but I still think it was a mistake for her to go. NCIS had the most kickass cast on TV now I don't know how it'll be with new cast members. It pisses me off cause I was so hoping that something was going to happen between Kate and Tony, but oh well. When the finale was advertised I was pretty sure it would be Kate cause she's the most expendable character on the show, I watch a lot of TV so I can usually see where these things are headed but now I know the reason behind her departure it doesn’t seem too much of a calculated guess. But all the other characters are fairly unique in some way and she was the one who wasn’t.
Anyway, a few of you had said you don't know if you'd watch it anymore. Just because Kate's gone doesn't mean the show isn't worth watching. I mean I liked her and all but it's not like she alone makes the show. Okay well I've had my say, I'll go back to looking for pics of Tom Welling now.
I live in Northern Ireland so the end of series one has just aired over here.
I think something should have happened between Kate and Tony. I can't believe she died without anything happening. The writers should have definitly thought of a better storyline to the end of the series.
I still want to watch the show, i liked kate but i thought the best was Tony. I love the way everything he does is to annoy Gibbs.
Sorry I'm so late in posting my comment but i only knew this website existed 5 minutes ago.
PS. does anyone else think that abby is so cool. Even though i don't like alot of the stuff goths wear, she is the nicest and the coolest one i have ever seen.
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