Tuesday, May 18, 2004

"If You Don't Know Me By Now..."

...I wouldn't say you will never, never, never know me, but it may be some time before we meet. Like many readers, fans, and writers, I enjoy attending signings, readings, et cetera, but how often I can attend is another matter.

Since 1998, I've attended five signings at Partners & Crime: Robert Parker, Robert Crais, Lawrence Block, George Pelecanos, and Lee Child. I would have liked to attend more. I'm quite sociable (as I hope those who've met me will attest) and in good health (had a physical yesterday, causing me to miss Donald E. Westlake at P&C), but I'm also on Long Island without a car, often meaning "without a ride," with the nearest train station a forty-minute walk away.

Actually, I've done the walk and I don't mind it with good light, but all these factors have to work out...

Someday soon we all will be together,
if the fates allow.
until then we'll have to
muddle through somehow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well hitch a ride to Bouchercon with someone (you listening White?) and meet folks by the scads. I hope to attend this year since it's in my backyard, but will depend upon job situation. Anyways, it's not like we haven't met you online. ;)
