Thursday, October 05, 2006

My destiny calls and I go

Along with Jeff Conaway (56) and Karen Allen (55), today is my birthday. I can think of nothing momentous about 32 except having lived past 31 and being able to represent my age as 25.

The past two-plus years of my life are roughly chronicled here. I thank you for reading along and look forward to more discovery and expression:

"More misadventures?"

"Adventures, old friend."

If anyone feels the urge to lavish me with gifts, I direct you to my Wish List.


Dave White said...

Happy birthday G!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Gerald. I have enjoyed the chronicles of your life here these many years and look forward to many more. Just hopefully with less commentary from Dave.

John DuMond said...

Happy birthday Gerald.

I can think of nothing momentous about 32 except having lived past 31 and being able to represent my age as 25.

Here are two:

1. You debuted in the same year as Jim Rockford.

2. You've lasted long past his cancellation.