Monday, September 23, 2019

Eli and C.C.

© by Gerald So | 5:00 AM

As a New York Yankees and football Giants fan, I've had great sports memories, most recently the Giants two Super Bowl-winning seasons and the Yankees' 2009 championship.

The 2019 season sees the official end of Eli Manning's run as starting quarterback and C.C. Sabathia's retirement. Playing sports is grueling, demanding the same high-level performance year in, year out, as all bodies wear down.

As hard as it is to see the end, I've always appreciated Eli and C.C.'s leadership qualities and clutch performances. You can ask more of an athlete than to vault his team to a title. I thank them both.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Update on Netflix Adaptation of Robert B. Parker's Wonderland

© by Gerald So | 3:00 PM

It's been almost a year since I posted about the Netflix Spenser movie's progress. Principal photography wrapped December 18, 2018. Mark Wahlberg's Instagram showed him in Dorchester last month, apparently for reshoots, and he mentioned the movie would premiere in early 2020.

Wonderland's IMDb page only recently added Brien Helgeland's name as screenwriter, ahead of original scribe Sean O'Keefe. Director Peter Berg and Mark Wahlberg mentioned Helgeland coming aboard last year, in some of their earliest interviews about the movie. As far as I know, however, the controversial element of Spenser being an ex-felon remained in the final script.

I've been less than satisfied with the Spenser TV adaptations to date, but I'm glad a new movie was made. I think its production value will surpass the Lifetime and A&E movies of the 1990s. If nothing else, Wonderland will show how Berg and Wahlberg envision Spenser today, and we can have our opinions on that.

I'll post again when I hear the exact premiere date. In the meantime, I again recommend Robert B. Parker's Angel Eyes, this year's Hollywood-set Spenser continuation.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Robert B. Parker's Angel Eyes by Ace Atkins

Book design by Katy Riegel
© by Gerald So | 3:30 AM

On Friday the 13th I was lucky enough to receive a galley of Ace Atkins' eighth Spenser continuation from G.P. Putnam's Sons.

On sale November 19, it sees Spenser searching L.A. for a model-actress linked to a powerful studio executive and a shady empowerment group, clearly based on the downfalls of Smallville actress Allison Mack and Warner Bros. chairman Kevin Tsujihara.

Today, the anniversary of Robert Parker's birth, read my review at So, You Want to Chat?