Thursday, October 31, 2019

A Good Month

© by Gerald So | 7:30 AM

On August 30, I submitted a 1,300-word story to Black Cat Mystery Magazine's upcoming all-PI issue. Black Cat's normal turnaround time is 1-2 weeks. The longer they hold a story, the more they like it, apparently, and my story was held until October 3. I'd like to think that means it was close to being accepted, but the special issue evidently drew much more than the usual number of submissions, probably causing a delay.

I revised the story for the next eight days and submitted it to Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine. They held it for eleven days, three more than my previous submission there, including a slightly more hopeful rejection.

I revised further and sent the story to a third market. Tomorrow I'm submitting another story to Cheap Pop Lit and should be hearing from an anthology about a third that began a gleam in my eye twenty-four years ago. Stay tuned, true-believers.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Goodbye, Yahoo! Groups

© by Gerald So | 7:00 AM

Having lasted years longer than I thought it would, frankly, Yahoo! Groups has announced it is cutting all Web-based features from its service. I've moderated groups since 1999 and many of them have gone quiet enough I've decided to move further discussion to So, You Want to Chat?