Friday, April 12, 2024

O.J. Simpson Dies

Posted 8:00 AM by Gerald So

I'm too young to have seen O.J.'s football career, but I admired his sportscasting so much I didn't want to believe he murdered Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman. I say that as someone who, in the course of O.J.'s trial, accepted that he did murder them and get acquitted due to various technicalities his Dream Team of lawyers exploited.

I'm still realizing how much of his image O.J. cultivated banking on fans' admiration, never really telling the truth. As recently as two months ago on X, he denied rumors he was in hospice care, saying he hoped to be back on the golf course soon. Good luck with that.

Even in the wake of his death, people are going easy on O.J. because he was a great athlete, saying there were two O.J. Simpsons. No. There was one O.J. He should've lost all his glamour when he killed Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman, when he went to prison for crimes associated with trying to retrieve memorabilia. However, famous people get the benefit of every break you can imagine. It's why the justice system and the political system are having such difficulty processing Donald Trump, too, who committed enough crimes before our eyes and ears to supposedly have the book thrown at him.

1 comment:

deshantwrites said...

Very well said Gerald. There is only one man and that man committed a fatal and irrevocable crime. His desire to create an image that was manufactured and curated is part of a corrupt culture that precedes him and succeeds him.