Friday, October 25, 2024

Stacey Williams, Jeffrey Epstein, and Donald Trump

Posted 5:30 AM by Gerald So

Former SPORTS ILLUSTRATED swimsuit model Stacey Williams has accused Donald Trump of groping her in 1993, while Jeffrey Epstein, whom she was dating, watched.

Williams is my favorite model of the era. I remember a sound bite of her from SPORTS ILLUSTRATED's 1993 Swimsuit Video:

I try so hard to keep this just as a job, and it's what I do, and it's not what I am. I guess I'm someone that actively pursues change and growth. I think I'm a lot more at peace with myself. I'm a lot less affected by what's going on around me, really working towards finding that peace, that peace within. I've been alone, meaning without a relationship, a boyfriend or anything, for almost two years now. Not just without a boyfriend, but I spend a lot of time. As I said, I do yoga, I meditate, and I write a lot, and I think you grow a lot from spending time alone. You learn a lot about yourself.

I'm sorry Trump and Epstein victimized her. I'm glad she's speaking out now.

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