Sunday, January 14, 2018


© by Gerald So | 5:30 a.m.

I've been interested in the U.S. Navy SEALs for almost thirty years, going back to one of my first attempts at fiction. As I came to admire the SEALs' teamwork above all, I abandoned my protagonist, a typical lone-wolf fictional ex-SEAL.

The title of CBS's new show may sound generic, but the show does emphasize team over individual as the real SEALs do. The episodes also feel real in the training and work they depict, where many recent military shows have strayed too far to the away-from-work, personal side.

You may know this show was originally set to star Jim Caviezel before recasting with David Boreanaz. Having seen Boreanaz expand his acting range in twelve seasons on Bones, he strikes me as better in the role of Master Chief Jason Hayes than Caviezel would have been, but then I last saw Caviezel as Person of Interest's impassive Mr. Reese.

While CBS is known for its procedurals, the closest thing to formula on SEAL Team is that no mission goes exactly as planned, letting the characters show the flexibility that sets special operators apart from conventional forces.

SEAL Team has performed well enough to receive a full-season order.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Turning Fourteen

© by Gerald So | 3:00 a.m.

This is not a post about my first year of high school, but about the fact I decided to start my own blog fourteen years ago today. I had no idea it would lead to others like The Five-Two, So, You Want to Chat, or Nasty. Brutish. Short., or that blogs would still be a thing fourteen years later.

Blogs are one of my favorite media because writing calls for more polished and thorough presentation than texting, yet you still feel you're hearing directly from a person. And maybe the coolest thing is you decide what your blog is about.

I used to think too much about what I wrote here, wonder how it would reflect on me and who else would find it cool. Over the years, I've developed my writing style to the point I'm confident it speaks well of me.

Thanks to everyone who enjoys this blog in particular.

Monday, January 01, 2018

Looking Forward

© by Gerald So | 5:00 a.m.

The downside of having a good memory is it encourages you to look to the past and forget that time is always moving forward. While the passing of time means losing some things you like, it also means you don't have to be defined by any moment; you can keep evolving for the better. May you make all you can of this year.