Friday, February 09, 2024

After Midnight

Posted 12:00 AM by Gerald So

I've been a fan of comedian Taylor Tomlinson since hearing her on the SELF-HELPLESS podcast around 2017. I was excited for her game show/talk show AFTER MIDNIGHT even though latenight talk has always been too late for me and I don't get around much on the Internet, AFTER MIDNIGHT>'s inspiration.

So far I've found the show spontaneous and funny like WHOSE LINE IS IT, ANYWAY? and Taylor seems to be enjoying holding court with guest panelists including actors and comedians. Quite a few are new to me. I see them on the show and search them out and enjoy myself further.

AFTER MIDNIGHT airs 12:37—1:37 AM Tuesday through Friday on CBS and is later posted on the CBS website and Paramount Plus.

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