I took the trains and hoofed it to
Black Orchid Bookshop in NYC yesterday for Laura Lippman's signing of
To The Power of Three. As a mild-mannered suburban teacher, and now as a freelancer working at home, I rarely visit the city on my own. When I do, I plan my route meticulously but leave myself plenty of time to get lost, just in case.
The trip in was smooth, and I arrived at the shop an hour in advance. I don't mind waiting, soaking up atmosphere, becoming part of the background. I met store owners Bonnie and Joe and joined in conversation with Adam, who was reading Robert Parker's
Cold Service, and Seth Cavanaugh as they discussed good dark, violent reads. I met
East of A author Russell Atwood, who was helping out at the register.
The first familiar face to arrive was the multi-talented
Sarah Weinman, then
Dave White and
Pat Lambe. Pat, Dave, and I lined up to have our books signed, and I met Laura, who—from the friendly, fresh voice of her blog—I felt I already knew. She asked how I wanted my books inscribed, and I said, "However you like." The best inscriptions, IMO, are surprises. She signed, "To Gerald, another bright new voice," and "To Gerald, who's right. I am the same in person."
Aw, shucks (blushing).
As more people arrived, we hung out on the steps to Black Orchid, and I got to chat with
Charlie and Anne Marie Stella while Dave White talked with Sarah Weinman and
C.J. Carpenter.
After the signing, eleven of us headed off in search of a place for drinks. Our first stop, O'Flannigan's, was closed. I mean paper-in-the-windows closed. Wow. Our second stop couldn't seat a party of eleven. Finally, C.J. used her sway with a bartender to get us into Tony's. I had a Coke ("I'm walking") and some chat before my Spider Sense told me it was time to start home.
With directions from Sarah and C.J., I arrived at Penn at 9:30 and took the 9:42 train home as planned. Adventurous yet punctual. I love it when a plan comes together.